Casa da Imprensa – Associação Mutualista (Rua da Horta Seca, 20, 1200-221 Lisboa)
19 de Janeiro de 2022, quarta-feira
das 10h00 às 18h00
10h30 – 12h00: Da Transição Justa à Justiça Climática em diferentes sectores (Saúde, Serviços Públicos, Extractivismo) 14h00-15h30: Transição Justa e Empregos Climáticos, visões do Sul Global 16h00-18h00: Sines, Pego and Matosinhos, que transição aconteceu? Junta-te a nós!International Conference | What Transition do we Want? Just Transition and Climate Justice
There is an enormous metamorphosis taking place in the world. A climate in convulsion approaching collapse is forcing even the capitalist system to mutate against its will. States dump subsidies on fossil fuel companies to guarantee profits to their shareholders, without demanding any safeguards for those who work in the industry or even the level of cuts needed to prevent a rise in temperature above 1.5ºC by 2100. This is the mutation that is happening. Meanwhile, fossils continue to expand in many territories. In several countries, including Portugal, infrastructures close without planning or concrete answers, without integrating workers, unions or their organisations in any decision. The plan is to have no social plan, to hand over all decisions to companies, with an almost minimal role for the government as distributors of financial support to shareholders, and no role for workers. We will discuss the transition plans of workers’ organisations vs the states, the complementarities and differences between Just Transition and Climate Justice and finally we will look critically at closures that have already happened in Portugal: of EDP’s Sines Power Station, Galp’s Matosinhos Refinery and TejoEnergia’s Pego Power Station.Casa da Imprensa – Associação Mutualista (Rua da Horta Seca, 20, 1200-221 Lisbon)
19 Janeiro 2022, Wednesday
from 10h00 until 18h00
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